Ph.D. programme on global financial markets and international financial stability at Jena University and Halle University, Germany

Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009

Draft of President Obama's Financial Regulation Proposal

The New York Times reports about President Obama's plan to reshape financial regulation. There is also a link to the original text of Obama's proposal. Also in the NYT there is a background article on how the plan was drafted: Obama Sought a Wide Range of Views on Finance Rules.

With his regulation plan, President Obama wants to meet five key objectives. Reforms should ...
  1. Promote robust supervision and regulation of financial firms
  2. Establish comprehensive regulation of financial markets
  3. Protect consumers and investors from financial abuse
  4. Provide the government with the tools it needs to manage financial crises
  5. Raise international regulatory standards and improve international cooperation
More on this here.